Melissa R. Benham




them in the circuits

the batteries & turrets

I leaf house

a small bowl of flash

back out the twenty-first

century earth test


it makes my working-ship awkward

fortune-hunting in the AM

the sun over my head

there’s something outside the cockpit

then:  oh.





house, sit, straighten

and corrode

clocked as shameful

topless as morning


the final tap-dance was done prettily and aimlessly


there is a threshold to this

sophistication, I promise

they are but the threshold

plea-bargaining involuntarily

with the gate-crasher


rueful as any teens








Dear Door,

Please do not be sad because
mama took the paper away.


Melissa Benham, a native Jersey girl, is busy planning her 24th move in 35 years. Presently, she lives in Oakland with her husband, Brent Cunningham & their almost 3 year old, Mina, whom created the last poem selected here, titled "Dear Door."  

Melissa is the author of codeswitching (Subday Press), and the chapbooks repronounceable and surrealistic object vs. narrated dream.  Since its inception in 2004, Melissa has been the curator & host of the Artifact Reading Series, which has only moved 4 times in 5 years.



