Alex Davies

A Strange Room of Many People

Mornington Crescent

A Strange Room of Many People

On the wall hangs a painting; the painting is made of clay; the painting is alone in a vacant room; the air is stale, like a pork scratching or a post-war pantry; the room is decorated in tumescent mauve, sparsely, its only ornamentation the gilt-edge framing the painting. Visitors are few and authorised: all must wear protective googles when considering the tych in detail. The painting begins in the centre, with The Beast cradling a sceptre in gloves. A diamond is affixed to the furrel by hardened clay. Remnants of the grainy adhesive have dripped on to an ornate rug carved in rose petals and earthworms. The worms are gorging themselves on the threads of the petals, regurgitating steel wire. Some earthworms are being eaten by pigs, some of the pigs stand on two legs, some of the pigs are being made into wallets, some of the wallets are full of cash, some of the wallets are affixed to golden sceptres, some of the shadows belong to the wallets. The other worms, pigs, wallets and shadows, so far as the eye can ascertain this thread, are enquietened, provided they are willing or resigned to abject squalor and disregard. The golden sceptres point towards a steeplechase run by hobbled athletes, their feet and dismembered stirrups stamping and stumping, yet they are smiling and the silhouettes: we cannot see their faces. Inside the wallets are pictures of loved ones crossed out by triptychs of real estate and nausea. One depicts Nancy, her draw hung open, low like a rattlesnake, partially consumptive, consuming her newborn child, her gut bloated by the engorged cargo. The Beast has a sceptre raised over her, poised to strike.

Mornington Crescent


 Victoria Maid>a> Vale

 , intact, in an impact bivouac.

 Black>friars Stock>well

, replicating


 Barbi>can Pinn>er Rui>slip

, incan



 Dollis Hill Neasden/nedsaeN St. John’s Wood


 Leicester Square


 Chalfont & Latimer

 via an


 - Angel





 spiral radicalism.

 Gallions Reach Bromley-by-Bow

, myriad landed gentry pillage.

 Seven Sisters Act>on Central Baker Street

, by the

 implacable Grimaldi


 Ravens>court Park

 animals and grate

 Brent Cross








 Willes>den Green

, lycra time.

 Mornington Crescent.
